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(More customer reviews)I have been hearing that content is king for years, but now I understand how that applies in a world where buyers hate all the advertising that bombards them. That explains why our traditional marketing efforts don't work anymore and why we need a new content marketig approach.
My biggest aha from the book is that moving to an effective content marketing strategy means changing the way you think--but may be even less expensive than old-fashioned advertising and marketing.
Get Content. Get Customers. shows how and why changes in old-line media, buyer behavior, and technology have empowered--and required--smart marketers to "think like publishers" as the authors put it. That means understanding what problems and solutions are absolutely critical to your customers and providing rich content that provides meaningful answer to those challenges.
I loved the case studies which detail how content marketing has paid off on the bottom-line from a one person kitchen designer to Best Buy, a multi-billion dollar seller of kitchen appliances and high-end electronics. Every case study offers ideas that even small companies can put into practice.
Finally, the book provides a step by step illustration of how a hypothetical company can roll out a content marketing strategy that will really pay off.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Get Content Get Customers: Turn Prospects into Buyers with Content Marketing
Connect to customers withcompelling content!
The rules of marketing have changed. Instead of loud claims of product superiority,what customers really want is valuable content that will improve their lives. Get ContentGet Customers explains how to develop compelling content and seamlessly deliver it tocustomers—without interrupting their lives.
It's the new way of marketing, and it's theonly way to build a loyal, engaged customer base.
"Pulizzi and Barrett have taken integrated marketing communicationsto the next level. . . . Every marketer, large or small, can use thistext to build better ongoing customer relationships."—Don Schultz, Professor Emeritus-in-Service, Integrated MarketingCommunication, Northwestern University
"Deftly navigating the worlds of PR, advertising and marketing,Joe and Newt prove that the real secret to great marketing is nota brilliant tagline, but creating compelling and useful content."—Rohit Bhargava, Senior Vice President of Digital Marketing, Ogilvy 360Digital Influence, and author of Personality Not Included
"Get Content Get Customers provides a play-by-play for any marketerwho is serious about breaking away from the pack."—Greg Verdino, Chief Strategy Officer, Crayon, LLC
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