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(More customer reviews)The Business You Can Start" provides an excellent guide in how to spot ideas, investigate their veracity and turn them into viable businesses even in the current uncertain economic climate. This insightful book builds a compelling argument for why an economic downturn is a good time to start a business in spite of the seemingly unfavourable economic conditions. The author further explains in layman terms thirty different ways of how anyone can discover potential business ideas, the various business models and legal types which exist (and which one might suit whichever type of business you choose) and then discusses other important strategies of starting an enterprise such as pricing, selling, branding, marketing, advertising and the qualities required for successful business people. The section on creating a successful business plan was comprehensive and also very informative (it has a simple but practical guide outlining various parts required for the plan).
On the whole, I found the book to give useful information and simple but strategic guidelines about how to identify opportunities, start and grow an enterprise and the most important things to consider in any ones quest to building a successful business. The book has been excellent in helping me to consider various ways of generating an additional income that I hadn't initially considered (e.g. writing e-Articles for money and how to even explore a gap in local / community services which your business could bridge). I think that the book is a timely, instructive and insightful read and at just over 100 pages, it is concise and acts as a great reference to dip in and out of for information when required.
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'The Business You Can Start - Spotting The Greatest Opportunities In The Economic Downturn", challenges, inspires and equips you to take a second look at the economy, anywhere in the world, and see the Rare Business Opportunities staring right in your face, that you can take full advantage of. This book provides a comprehensive, well-rounded, practical, logical approach to starting a business in spite of the economic recession.In the midst of the global economic crisis, some interesting stories are being written and rewritten. Ironically whilst corporations and governments face great uncertainties and are cutting back, there are almost daily announcements of new business start ups, corporate expansions and profits being made all around us, not to mention the growth in certain economies. The question is, could these challenges be a source of blessing in disguise? This is what I believe, and exactly what the book is all about. Challenges have a way of spurring people into action. Interestingly every question in life needs answers, every problem needs solving and every challenge needs someone to face it head on and overcome it, and fortunately none of these will stop as long as life exists.In any case, each individual, to a large extent, has a responsibility to at least survive. The times may have inspired you to consider a career change or start of your own business. You might be looking for extra income, facing the threat of losing your job or have already lost your job. Conversely you may not have thought of any of the reasons stated here. Regardless of the category you fall into this is a book you must own!The facts and opportunities identified by this book will help you uncover the rare secrets that have transformed the lives of many and affirm the fact that times of economic difficulty are opportune times for those willing to apply the principles to succeed.These people seized the opportunities and started great businesses many of which have become household names today. Very importantly this book also shows the reader Thirty Smart Ways of how to Identify Business Opportunities right where you are and further afield, anywhere on the planet. It further explains with clearly defined steps how to develop your ideas, dreams and skills into viable business ventures. 'The Business You Can Start" has Proven Winning Strategies and Principles that when applied can greatly help you to start a business, distinguish yourself from the competition and cause your enterprise to grow profitably and successfully. This informative book also contains a Comprehensive and Professional Practical Business Plan Guide. It is structured and designed simply for the users' greatest flexibility. It can be adapted and used as a guide in writing a plan fit for any purpose and to meet the needs of any end user.'The Business You Can Start" is an absolute necessity for anyone who wants to make a difference in his or her life and succeed in their generation. Challenges, as well as opportunities are always going to be with us. How you respond to them will determine the scope of your influence. The marketplace richly rewards entrepreneurs for the problems they solve.
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