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(More customer reviews)75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make a Difference, by Glenn Cruston, is a terrific guide to get you started in a green career.
The 75 businesses are divided into 11 larger segments, like "Fueling Green Energy", "Finding Business Solutions in the Living World," and "Green Farms."
The reader is encouraged to view the 75 careers as a starting point, and Cruston encourages mixing and matching them and thinking creatively about more opportunities. This makes a lot of sense, as we are in the infancy of the green movement, and many other green work choices will soon develop.
For each career opportunity, Cruston provides information on what the market need is for the service/product, the mission, any special challenges, what education is required to do the job, the capital required, the timing, resources and examples of actual businesses.
Here are some examples of green businesses:
* small wind-turbine installer
* Green chief sustainability officer
* Philanthropy management
* Building green homes and businesses
* fab green prefabs
* Green building certification
* Paperless office consultant
* Sell or manufacture reusable shopping totes
* Eco-friendly and healthy fast food
* Home food safety testing kits
* Green bed & breakfast
* Green car dealership
* Gas free gardening
* Green cafes
This book is loaded with great real life examples of green businesses and includes lots of resources. As Cruston notes, these 75 job opportunities are just the beginning. A careful reading of the book can motivate and be a great starting point for a successful green entrepreneurial career.
Highly recommend.
By the author of the award winning book, Harmonious Environment: Beautify, Detoxify and Energize Your Life, Your Home and Your Planet.
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Take the Lead in the Green Revolution
With environmental concerns a top issue for consumers everywhere, the green market is the next big boom industry for entrepreneurs looking to make money-and make a difference.
"Kermit is wrong! It's easy being green...just read Croston's book.He provides a terrific guide to an amazing array of business eco-opportunities, and tells you how to take advantage of them!"-Ray Smilor, Executive Director, Beyster Institute at the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego, author of Daring Visionaries: How Entrepreneurs Build Companies, Inspire Allegiance, and Create Wealth
"75 Green Businesses gets you quickly up to speed on the fast-paced trends propelling the green economy and shows you where to find the opportunities. If you're considering starting your own green business, Croston's book has practically written about half your business plan for you. A terrific resource." -Josh Dorfman, founder & CEO, Vivavi and author of The Lazy Environmentalist
"Browsing through these pages will inspire some directly toward a new career and prompt others to invent new business models. Expect to see a dog-eared copy sitting on every shelf of the next generation of entrepreneurs."-Eric Corey Freed , Principal, organicARCHITECT and author ofGreen Building & Remodeling for Dummies
"The biggest opportunities of the 21st century are green businesses. This wonderful book offers people who want to get involved a very comprehensive listing of those many opportunities as well as numerous links to more information. Read it and get inspired." -Greg Pahl, author of The Citizen-Powered Energy Handbook: Community Solutions to a Global Crisis
Discover 75 green startup ideas in multiple industries, including eco-tourism, small wind power, green schools, water conservation landscaping, green investment consulting and more.For each business, Croston shows you the market, product to be delivered, resources needed, major hurdles ahead, competitors and strategies for success.
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