Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I started reading this book and almost immediately started saying things like, "I didn't know that", or "Well, that makes sense, why didn't I think of that?", or even a few versions of "Huh?". The book isn't written over my head, nor is it under my ability. Let me give you a better idea. I'm no genius. I frequently misspell frequently misspelled words. I'm no slouch either. I'm proud of the fact that I essentially taught myself much of what I needed to know in order to pass the tests that helped get me in a classroom. I guess I'm average.
But in being average, I feel that I'm like a lot of people out there. I use Twitter, but probably not to the full potential. I have a blog, but I'm sure I could do more with it. Just like a lot of other people out there. Given that, I feel uniquely qualified to tear into this book and give it a good once-over.
I think this book is essential for those who want to use Twitter for more than telling us what you are making for dinner. When I talk to young people, many want to start some sort of business. That's great, and for those people I suggest finding ways to use Twitter to their best advantage. The Definitive Twitter Guide should be your first stop.
This book is extremely well written, to the point that it could hold my attention long enough for me to read it, start following it, and get up here and write a bunch of words about it. If you are like me, young enough to use Twitter but old enough to be slightly intimidated by the tech, Shannon makes the information accessible.
The PF guy in me wants to leave it at "buy this book", but the teacher in me feels the need to jump in as well. Any of my students will tell you that I rarely give "A's". This is one of those times.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Definitive Twitter Guide: Making Tweets Work for Your Business: 30 Twitter Success Stories From Real Businesses and Non-Profits
Social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn help businesses share information and connect with potential customers. What business can succeed without getting to know its customers? What business can survive without being seen as a reliable place for information or products? Social media promotes and supports businesses prospecting for new customers, connecting with existing customers and listening to what is going on in their community and their industry. Twitter is a powerful way to connect with people and other businesses. Connections ultimately keep you in business. This book will help you de-mystify Twitter for business. focused on small business marketing on the Internet. The Definitive Twitter Guide provides quality resources, tips, and techniques for small business owners looking to effectively compete on the web.
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