Website Optimization: Speed, Search Engine & Conversion Rate Secrets Review

Website Optimization: Speed, Search Engine and Conversion Rate Secrets
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The first line of the preface to this book reads, "We've had a website for years now, but it hardly pays for itself." This book aims to solve the mysteries that many site owners feel about the performance of their website. Some owners don't know any better, some don't know where to start, and still others rely on false metrics to make their site seem as though it is doing better than it actually is. This book doesn't contain myths. This book doesn't contain "feel-good" stats about websites. This book contains in-depth information related to every aspect of your website, and how you can turn your website into something that works for you and, ultimately, achieves the goals you set in the beginning. This may be a financial goal and your website is responsible for driving sales. This may be a social networking goal, where you want to nurture a growing community. This may be an advertising goal, where you can optimize your site for advertising campaigns. The core of this book will help you, no matter what the goal of your website. Andy King has done an incredible job of thoroughly covering the areas of performance, optimizing these areas, and then properly analyzing the results.
This book is divided up into two parts: Search Engine Marketing Optimization and Web Performance Optimization.
Natural Search Engine Optimization
Anyone who has ever been in charge of optimizing a website for search engines can attest to the many challenges they may be presented with. These challenges are, often times, unique to any given project. Andy starts off the book by introducing natural, or organic SEO. He explains the benefits, shows some of the core SEO techniques, and wraps it up into a very thorough ten step process to achieve higher search engine rankings. He covers many aspects such as using a professional design, the pitfalls of Flash, and lists out some of the barriers to SEO. I personally liked that he took the time out to explain what a professional design looks like. He introduces the concept here, and then goes into more depth in a later chapter. I have always seen this as one of the most important aspects to your SEO campaign. Having a solid look, feel, structure, and organization will ultimately help both humans and bots find your important content. I also liked the fact that he had a nice section devoted to Microformats while explaining the benefits of Meta Data.
Natural SEO Case Study: [...]
So how do we know what he says is true or even works? The next chapter dives into a case study. Enough talking about what works, let's see some real world examples. This specific example, [...], took a site that was not professionally designed, and turned it around into something much more meaningful. While the copywriting was re-organized, much of the re-structuring took place in the markup. By employing quality markup, he was able to achieve better results, as things were all put into context. He makes brief mention of using the Lynx test to make sure things make sense. Strip your styles away. Strip your behavior away. Does the content make sense at the core? By re-working the core structure and copy-writing, they were able to see much better organic SEO results than the first iteration. This is just the first step.
Pay-per-Click Optimization
What we have seen in the previous chapters were methods and techniques of natural, or organic, SEO. These techniques revolved around the things that could be instantly done without putting money towards any campaigns. Organic SEO was about setting a good solid foundation for your website. Now that we have that solid foundation, we can look to setting up a pay-per-click campaign. PPC advertising revolves around setting appropriate goals, and targeting the right keywords for the right audience. I found this chapter to be one of the most important chapters in the entire book. I read through it twice. He breaks down setting up PPC campaigns, and then monitoring their health. He has things broken down to their mathematical equations to let you truly gauge your campaign. He mentions many helpful resources and tools for selecting your campaigns, A/B testing your campaigns, and then making sense of the results. He also mentions some of the struggles you will ultimately face while trying to manage a campaign, and some things you can do to alleviate the pain.
PPC SEO Case Study: [...]
Again, instead of just talking about what you could or should do, Andy presents us with another Case Study to put his words into action. Here was the kicker for me: This case study wasn't all about the success of the campaign. He presented the campaign, setup the pricing, and then dove into integration. However, this was for items that were in a very competitive market. While improvements were seen, they didn't always come easy. The end of this case study was not a magical story of success, but a story of planting a seed and nurturing your campaigns - even in a competitive market.
Conversion Rate Optimization
At first glance one might confuse this with PPC Optimization. Andy defines CRO as
[...] the art and science of persuading your site visitors to take actions that benefit you, by making a purchase, offering a donation, or committing to some positive future action.
This chapter presents us with the social aspect of being on the web. We started with a core foundation, and moved to setting up campaigns based on our keywords and target market, now we look to converting the visitors into users of our site. This involves an array of tactics that revolve around the Psychology of Persuasion. This psychology is broken down into many useful strategies and topics. Next up he provides us with an exhaustive list of factors to maximize your conversion rates. Each of the 10 factors he mentions are discussed in great detail. He wraps the chapter up with important advice to Test Everything. All of the lists, and understanding how users make decisions, are useless unless you can test against them and make sure you are still achieving your goals. He shows how to test each aspect by using your analytics, but ultimately each scenario will be different based on the needs.
You have just finished the first half of the book, and you studiously implement the suggested plans and techniques. You find out they were successful and brought loads of traffic to your website, only to have your website crumble under the load. Now it's time to shift gears to a more technical aspect to find out how we can optimize our Markup, our CSS, our JavaScript and Ajax, and our Server.
The two-fold nature of this book may turn certain people on or off, but all of this comes under the umbrella of optimizing your site. I encourage you to read (and possibly re-read) through the different areas, even if they may seem too deep. While the first part of the book was about keeping your visitors happy, this half makes sure your server is happy.
Web Page Optimization
This chapter seems to be a quick overview of what is to come in the next few chapters. He gives a brief introduction into some of the common performance problems that servers can face, and then gives us a list of things we can do to optimize our site for the request and response life-cycle. This list is exhaustive, but many of the items are discussed in more detail in the coming chapters. This is just to get your feet wet and understand some of the common pitfalls. These include items such as optimizing your markup and removing the load of tables, optimizing your images for display on the screen, optimizing your CSS and using things such as CSS sprites to keep your styles lean and re-usable, and optimizing your JavaScript.
CSS Optimization
Some of these items may be commonplace for different developers, but include a good discussion nonetheless. He breaks down the anatomy of a CSS file and the rules inside of them. He advocates the use of a Reset Stylesheet, and then dives into another list of ten things you can do to optimize your CSS. This chapter is about not just taking CSS from a WYSIWYG output, but truly crafting your CSS to fit your needs. It's about making the CSS readable, re-usable, and taking advantage of the Cascade that we have. Simply accepting the output of an editor isn't enough. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: There isn't an editor out there smart enough to understand your cascade and needs. The advantages of crafting your own CSS means that it's more extensible, maintainable, and semantic. You can group items as your needs require, and by using the cascade and CSS2.x and CSS3 selectors you can begin to achieve an array of different effects that would otherwise be achieved through dirtying up the markup (content layer).
Ajax Optimization
Ajax became all of the buzz for a while. Everyone wanted it, but very few fully understood all of the impacts that it had on many outside factors. This chapter starts off listing some of the common problems with Ajax, and then lists out some proper applications of Ajax. Remember, the goal here isn't to just use Ajax for the sake of using Ajax, but to use it tastefully where it will ultimately enhance the user experience without negatively impacting your SEO visibility. This chapter also breaks down a list of many items you can do to optimize your JavaScript while building your Ajax applications. As with CSS, much of this refers to writing the JavaScript yourself (or assessing and relying on one of the many great frameworks out there) and keeping optimization at the forefront. Don't just accept the output from an editor, you can take the extra steps to make sure your JavaScript is performance friendly for the visitor. For small tasks, this...Read more›

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Remember when an optimized website was one that merely didn't take all day to appear? Times have changed. Today, website optimization can spell the difference between enterprise success and failure, and it takes a lot more know-how to achieve success.
This book is a comprehensive guide to the tips, techniques, secrets, standards, and methods of website optimization. From increasing site traffic to maximizing leads, from revving up responsiveness to increasing navigability, from prospect retention to closing more sales, the world of 21st century website optimization is explored, exemplified and explained.
Website Optimization combines the disciplines of online marketing and site performance tuning to attain the competitive advantage necessary on today's Web. You'll learn how to improve your online marketing with effective paid and natural search engine visibility strategies, strengthened lead creation and conversion to sales methods, and gold-standard ad copywriting guidelines. Plus, your increased site speed, reduced download footprint, improved reliability, and improved navigability will work synergistically with those marketing methods to optimize your site's total effectiveness.
In this book for business and IT managers, author Andrew King, president of Website Optimization, LLC, has assembled experts in several key specialties to teach you:
Search engine optimization -- addressing best (and worst) practices to improve search engine visibility, including step-by-step keyword optimization guidelines, category and tag cloud creation, and guerilla PR techniques to boost inbound links and improve rankings Pay-per-click optimization -- including ad copywriting guidelines, setting profit-driven goals, calculating and optimizing bids, landing page optimization, and campaign management tips Optimizing conversion rates -- increasing leads with site landing page guidelines, such as benefit-oriented copy, credibility-based design, value hierarchies, and tips on creating unique selling propositions and slogans Web performance tuning -- optimizing ways to use (X)HTML, CSS, and Ajax to increase speed, reduce your download footprint, and increase reliability Advanced tuning -- including client-side techniques such as on-demand content, progressive enhancement, and inline images to save HTTP requests. Plus server-side tips include improving parallelism, using cache control, browser sniffing, HTTP compression, and URL rewriting to remap links and preserve traffic Web metrics -- illustrating the best metrics and tools to gather details about visitors and measure web conversion and success rates, and covering both search marketing metrics and web performance measures including Pathloss and waterfall graphs.
Website Optimization not only provides you with a strategy for success, it also offers specific techniques for you and your staff to follow. A profitable website needs to be well designed, current, highly responsive, and optimally persuasive if you're to attract prospects, convert them to buyers, and get them to come back for more. This book describes precisely what you need to accomplish to achieve all of those goals.

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